This Wisconsin couple is one of the most spontaneous couples I've ever met. That's a good thing. Once you read their story you'll probably feel the same way as I do. Baron and Erika reached out to Lisa from Affordable Vegas Officiant because they wanted to get married, TOMORROW! Of course Lisa obliged. Erika picked the Dry Lake Bed as a great backdrop to bring memories home to Wisconsin. The desert landscape Las Vegas is so well known for. It made for some great photo memories. Don't forget to continue past the bottom of the story to see more photos from their special day. Read on to get Erika's account of the love story:
"Baron was hesitant on commitment and kept things in the friend zone."
Baron and I have known each other for over 10 years. We met at church in our Youth Group when we were in high school. Outside of knowing each other's name, nothing between us was pursued until years later. We reconnected while attending the same church. Over the past 2 1/2 years we began to pursue each other, We spent time getting to know each other as friends. Baron was hesitant on commitment and kept things in the friend zone. March 2020 I told Baron I was in love with him and he let me know that he needed space and time to know what he wanted.
"breaking all forms of tradition, I went with a black dress"
Baron moved to Colorado and I stayed in Wisconsin. Fast forward almost a year later with little to no communication between us... Baron and I randomly started talking again. This time around, Baron told me he is in love with me! Two weeks prior to us talking again I had purchased my wedding dress, breaking all forms of tradition, I went with a black dress. When Baron began talking with me again I was skeptical and very unsure if it was real, but knowing that I am fully in love with him, I of course wanted it to work.
"...drove to Vegas and planned our wedding in one day"
A week into talking again, Baron asked me to come and visit him. We had been down this road before and I was terrified he would back out, but then again, previously he never told me he was in love with me, so I knew things were different this time around. I flew out to see him on a Sunday, I refrained from telling any friends and only informed my mom and sister I was going. When I got there Baron then asked me to marry him that week in Vegas. I of course said yes. I called my mom and asked her to overnight my dress to me. We didn't tell anyone our plans except my sister. We drove to Vegas and planned our wedding in one day. Everything seamlessly worked out for us. I had planned on going home within a week but instead got married and moved to Colorado within a week. We are very spontaneous people so this elopement was nothing short of expressing who we are.

On The Rocks Photography

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