I first met Bruce when he hired me to do a photo session for his music CD. He was well-spoken, handsome and one of the nicest persons that I have yet to meet. We talked a little about his music, his son and his time in Vegas. We've kept in contact through social media and when I saw his new project... I had to ask...how did this all start?
My interview with Bruce Wangsanutr...in his words:
"I brainstormed for a few days over about a dozen cups of coffee"
How did this all start?
Well Stacy, I’ve always had a passion for drawing. I was drawing Wolverine in high school and lots of Robotech and GI Joe in junior high. Recently I found myself in a situation where I no longer had my music studio as a way to create, and I wanted to find a way to continue to express myself creatively while not having a ton of gear. So I found myself sitting at my local Starbucks one morning with my computer and I decided I was going to make a comic book. I had no idea what, or how, but I remembered watching a video with Stan Lee talking about how he came up with the idea for Spider-Man. I learned that great ideas can come from anywhere if you learn to listen to yourself and the universe. Long story short, I brainstormed for a few days over about a dozen cups of coffee and came up with the idea and first script for Hallerton and Light!
Why Vegas?
My son and ex wife both live here and I wanted to be involved in raising my son. In addition, I have a few friends from California that moved here and we hang out from time to time. I enjoy the fact that everything is centrally located in Vegas and nothing is more that a 30 minute drive away!
" hours of conversation and bonding, learning and growth"
How has Vegas helped you on your journey?
Vegas has been an incredible place for networking for me. A lot of people are unaware of this but Vegas has a very strong and involved art community. Because of this, I have had the opportunity to work with several gifted creators such as Jean Munson, who owns her own publishing company and mentored me through a lot of Hallerton and Light and even edited for me. She honored me by working on the cover of the second issue as a gift. I met another inspired artist at my work at Caption Call. This amazing artist, named Raymond Menor and I collaborated for a brief moment. He did the cover of issue 3. He has a very Jim Lee style of art about him. Finally on my fourth issue I was able to connect with an incredible juggernaut of a workhorse, Cillian Cubstead who works all over the country selling his own books and art at comic cons.
Outside of these covers are hours of conversation and bonding, learning and growth that allowed me to take me one step closer to realizing my dreams! I’m very grateful to Vegas for what it’s done for me.
And now.... the 20-questions! and then some!
STACY: How long have you lived in the Las Vegas area?
BRUCE: 20 years
STACY: Are you Married?
BRUCE: Divorced
STACY: Do you have any Kids? If so, what are their Ages?
BRUCE: Yes, a son, 12 years old
STACY: Do you own any other homes or properties? where?
BRUCE: Anaheim, California
STACY: What brought you to Las Vegas?
BRUCE: My ex-wife and wanting to be a part of my son's life
STACY: Do you have Pets? What? (dog, cat, iguana, pig) names?
BRUCE: no pets
STACY: Are you a business owner? What is your business?
BRUCE: Yes, Comic Book Creator and Music Composer
STACY: What do you do for work?
BRUCE: Captioning Agent for the hearing impaired at Captain Call
STACY: Do you have any hobbies?
BRUCE: Music and playing video games
STACY: Tell me something that people/friends may not know about you? Do you have a weird talent?
BRUCE: I can do simple magic tricks [look out David Copperfield!]
STACY: Do you have any unusual traits?
BRUCE: I have a crooked nose from karate, 5 moles in the shape of Cassiopeia on my right cheek [I'm not gonna lie... I had to look that one up]
STACY: What is your favorite Food? Weirdest food you ever ate? Favorite Vegas Restaurant?
BRUCE: Fav: Indian Tikki Masala Chicken, Weirdest: Blowfish [ewww] Fav Restaurant: Cheesecake Factory
STACY: What is your favorite Cocktail?
BRUCE: Gin Martini with a lemon twist
STACY: Who is (are) your favorite Sports Team(s)?
BRUCE: Indianapolis Colts
STACY: Do you have a favorite car?
BRUCE: 69' Camaro (because of the headlights)
STACY: Who is your mentor?
BRUCE: Jim Lum, my favorite Kung Fu instructor
STACY: If you had a Super Power, what would it be?
BRUCE: To make people smile [see? I told you he was one of the nicest people I ever met!]
STACY: Who is your Super Hero?
BRUCE: Mike Tyson, because of his humility and awesomeness
STACY: What is the best job you ever had?
BRUCE: I was a Disneyland Jungle Cruise Skipper. It was like working at a fraternity! [now THAT'S a job!]
STACY: What was the last gift you gave someone?
BRUCE: I drew a picture of Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and gave it to a friend because she love that person.
STACY: If you won a $10 million dollar Wheel of Fortune Jackpot, what would you do with the money?
BRUCE: I would buy houses for myself, my son, and my ex. I would start a non-profit for homeless. I would invest.
STACY: If you had to pick the next implosion of a casino, which one would you pick? Why?
BRUCE: Any Indian Reservation Casino. Because it encourages addictive habits to an already addictive personality-type and encourages business practices which may not develop ingenuity and better use of the land.
STACY: What do you wear to bed?
BRUCE: I sleep in my day-clothes
STACY: What is one thing on your Bucket List?
BRUCE: To marry a red-headed woman
STACY: Toilet paper over or under?
BRUCE: Over, of course! Who wants to reach under?
STACY: Have you ever been arrested?
BRUCE: No, but I've been handcuffed by the Police
STACY: Can you make your armpit fart?
BRUCE: Sadly, yes
STACY: Do you speak another language?
BRUCE: Chinese
STACY: What is the weirdest thing you ever wore?
BRUCE: A Jacket with speakers in the shoulders (80's) [wow, I would like to see THAT]
STACY: If I looked in your refrigerator, what would I find?
BRUCE: Everything you need to make and amazing Chicken Alfredo
STACY: If you were offered to be on a reality show which one would you choose?
BRUCE: None, I like my privacy [oops, sorry I'm asking so many questions ha ha ha]
STACY: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
BRUCE: Three. 2 casual, 1 dress
STACY: Did any professional ball-players influence you growing up?
BRUCE: Peyton Manning and Mike Tyson
STACY: Did you have any pre-performance rituals while you were a professional musician?
BRUCE: Before going on stage with Gladys Knight, we would pray.
STACY: Do you have any advice for young aspiring creators?
BRUCE: Find a way to believe in yourself. At the end of the day, you are all you have. It's the best way to inspire others.
STACY: What was your weirdest person-moment?
BRUCE: I've had people that I don't know, say that they feel like they're meeting a celebrity, oddly enough!

Hallerton & Light Comic Book Artist and Creator: Bruce Wangsanutr
Contributing Artists:
Jean Munson with:
Raymond Menor
Cillian Cubstead

On The Rocks Photography

Vegas Life Magazine